Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Terrific Tuesday!

We had a wonderful day in room 123 today! If your children are half as tired as I am they will sleep really good tonight!:) I wanted to hear all about everyone's holidays so this morning I asked the children to share something exciting they did and/or some of their favorite presents they received for Christmas. Here is what they had to say:

Emily ~ ipod, ipod docking station & earrings
Joshua B. ~ ipod, Nerf gun & lots of coloring stuff!
Catherine ~ Nintendo DS & I went to a hunting camp and watched a ball drop on New Year's Eve!
Emma Garrison ~ AU earrings, Bendaroos & Hello Kitty slippers
Jinwoo ~ I went to Korea!
Mary Lawson ~ trampoline, 2 cameras (one is a video camera) & a bike
Alex ~ roller skates, a 2 wheeler bike & Nerf gun
Richard ~ I went to Georgia and I got a Nerf gun and a Wii game.
Samara ~ visited family in Georgia, a motor scooter & new tennis shoes
Joshua W. ~ remote control car & guitar
Amelie ~ I went to Disneyworld, then to my Grandma's house in Florida, (she has a dog) and she gave me a candy jewel factory.
Isabella ~ I visited two states (Colorado & Wyoming) got new slippers and an umbrella from China.
Carey ~ Zhu Zhu pet, Nerf gun, and my grandparents came to visit!
Miller ~ A lump of candy coal from Santa. (for real Mrs. Wright):) a green car that swims in water and jumps 6 feet in the air & a BB gun.
Kaitlyn ~ My grandma gave me a DSI, we visited family in North Carolina and did sparklers on New Year's Eve.
Kody ~ a PSP, rip stick and a new playstation game
Rondarion ~ a dirt bike, phone & a touchscreen ipod
Sarah ~ 2 new movies, (Swan Lake & Princess & the Pauper), a Webkin & paper with new crayons
Emma Grace ~ a trampoline, a pink scooter and a new Barbie (with a purse & shoes:)!

It sounds to me like everyone enjoyed the holidays with family and friends and got plenty of surprises! I loved listening to all of the stories today! Children are so honest! They are the complete reason I love teaching first grade!

We are having Class Pictures taken on Thursday, January 7th. Students must wear uniforms. If you would like to purchase a picture they must be paid for in advance. $12.00 made payable to Southern Photo.

Many children brought in new supplies today. THANK YOU! However some of us could still use some new items. If you have not already please check with your child and see if they are in need of new supplies. Also, if your child's take home notebook is torn please get a new one and transfer everything in it. Please do this by Monday. I emphasize daily the importance of taking care of our things and the children do a really good job at this. However everyday wear and tear just happens and when the children have a torn up notebook it effects how they treat their papers, etc. In the same manner, when their supplies are neat and organized, and notebooks remain clean, they have tremendous pride and take care of them. Thank you for your quick attention to this matter.

Please continue to watch the news and check the MPS website about school closings due to the weather on Thursday & Friday. As of today no definite plans have been announced.

Every child should have brought their library book home today. I will be expecting the children to take a minimum of 4 AR tests a week. Also, the children will be taking the STAR reading test this week. The STAR test helps me determine what level books your child should check out. I will be increasing reading levels and the children will get new library cards indicating their new level next week. I will also send you a parent note detailing their STAR results.

Stay warm and let me know if you have any questions!

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