Sunday, February 9, 2014

Happy February!


*Remember to bring in your Valentine Cards!
*Don't forget to send in your item by Tuesday for our Valentine Party on Friday!
*Field Trip Permission Slip and money due Tuesday.

Reading- Unit 3 Week 1
Reading homework will be in your child’s take home folder tomorrow.

Story Title- A Place To Play

Genre- Realistic Fiction

Amazing Words- growth, public, tether, makeshift, population, shuffle, crooked, and spindly

Spelling Words-
my, by, try, sunny, handy, fly, cry, lucky, silly, puppy, things, and always

Word Wall Words-
always, everything, things, become, nothing, day, and stays

Language- We will focus on action words (verbs) this week but will continue to review special titles, proper nouns, common nouns, singular and plural nouns, verbs, adjectives, complete sentences, subjects and predicates of sentence, declarative sentences, interrogative sentences and exclamatory sentences.

Math Chapter 8- We are still working on Chapter 8.  We will test on Thursday.