Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 11 -15, 2010

What a nice surprise to have an unexpected long weekend. I hope you stayed warm! We did very little, which was nice. I am ready to see all my sweet friends in the morning, we have a lot to learn!

With the day off, we are behind on graded work for DOL, Spelling, Dictation and Math. I plan to make these up Monday, so if you need to look over the materials be sure to do so before then.

Our whole group sound for this week is /y/ at the end as in fly.

We will test on Chapter 13 on Tuesday. Expect a review sheet to come home tomorrow night. Then we will move on to Chapter 14. Homework for math will be lessons 14 in the Practice Math Workbook. As always, look for the review sheet to come home the night before we test.

We have covered rules 1-15, skipping Rule 12 for now. These rules can be found in your child's take home notebook. Thursday is usually a worksheet related to the newest rule introduced and Friday's DOL is sentences from Monday-Wednesday for a grade.

The class is doing well since switching to notebook paper. You will notice that 2 sheets are coming home now. One sheet is morning work (DOL) with spelling on the back and the other sheet is dictation with a new math warm-up on the back. If you have questions about any of our new procedures or academic activities please do not hesitate to ask!


Words for January 11-15
late, gave, cone, line, snake, feet, jeep, use, bake, tame, sleep, cave

January 18-22:
ropes, bones, kites, bees, cakes, boxes, foxes, roses, snakes, shoes, books, frogs

January 25-29:
went, sent, ant, bend, find, mind, kind, want, sand, spent, lend, friend

A Few Reminders:

*Our class took the STAR Reading Test last week. I will send the report home this week, it does not need to be returned. This report will give you information on your child’s reading level and reading range. I’ll make new library cards for the class so they will be able to choose books on their level
*I sent Scholastic order forms home last week. You may order online or return your order form and money to me. Deadline for Scholastic orders is Tuesday, January 12th.


January 12- Class Library Day. Please be sure to send books to school if they need to be returned. If you are still reading, they may be renewed.
January 12 PTA Meeting
January 18-No School
January 21-Report Cards and Teacher Treat Day

When time runs short, remember this verse: "You will always find time for the things you put first."

Have a great week and stay warm!

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