Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February 2-6, 2009

After a wonderful weekend trip with my family, we came home Sunday to end up at Pri-Med with a diagnosis of streph throat! Blah! Needless to say I am thankful everyone didn't get sick until our trip was over. We took the girls to the American Girl Store and the Aquarium in Atlanta for their birthdays. We all had a wonderful time together and made lots of happy memories! Hopefully, we are on the way to being "well" in our house.

February is one of my favorite months of the year!! I love the colors and the tone ~ happiness and love! We have all of our white valentine bags. Thank you to our sweet moms who sent them in! We will be decorating those at the beginning of next week. Also, you should have gotten a note about our Valentine Party from our room mom, Missy Breedlove today. If you could help with some of the items for our party that would be great! We will be having an Ice Cream Sundae Party! Yum! The children will be exchanging Valentine's on the morning of our party, then they will get to open them after lunch that day. I will send home a list of all our friends tomorrow.
We would love for you to join us for our party if you would like!

Everyone is doing great with their new reading levels. I am so pleased at how eager the children are to read. Thank you for all of your help and encouragement from home. Good readers become great leaders!!

We started Chapter 15 in Math today. This can be a rather tricky chapter so we will not have a test on this chapter.

Our spelling test and DOL grade will be this Friday. The children brought home their spelling lists today. Everyone did great on last weeks test. Thank you for taking the time to study at home.

DADS ~ Mark your calendars for Donuts for Dads this Thursday and Friday from 7:00 - 7:45. Please come down to our room if I don't see you in the lunchroom so I can get a picture of you and your first grader!

This season has brought us lots of runny noses. We could use some of the following supplies if you would like to donate them!

~Clorox Wipes
~Paper Towels

It's how high you bounce when you fall that counts!

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