Monday, December 16, 2013

Polar Express Day in Room 123!

December 16 - 20

We have had a lot of absences lately. Please do not forget to send in a note the day your child returns.  We are working hard at staying healthy, washing our hands and cleaning our desks.  Please keep your sweet firstie at home if they do not feel good. I know everyone wants to be well for Christmas!

Thursday, December 19th - Christmas Party and Green Grinch Day. The children can wear green to school and we will watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas before our party.

Reading- Unit 2 Week 2

Story Title- The Farmer in the Hat
Genre- Realistic Fiction
Amazing Words- group, soothe, share, borrow, rehearsal, respect, aquarium, and lines

Spelling- We will not test on this weeks spelling words.

age  cage  cake  face  late  made  make  name  safe  take  could  old

Word Wall Words- be  of  could  horse  old  paper

Language- We will focus on proper nouns this week but will continue to review common nouns, verbs, adjectives, complete sentences, subjects and predicates of sentence, declarative sentences, interrogative sentences and exclamatory sentences.

Math- Chapter 6- We will test Wednesday. Don’t forget to use your homework book for practice.

Monday, December 9, 2013

December 9 - 13

A big thanks to Charles and Chloe’s mom for taking the children to lunch while I enjoyed Teacher Treat Day in the library!!!

Please remember to send in $5 cash for the Christmas party scheduled for Thursday, December 19 from 1:30-2:15.  The children may also wear green that day and we will watch the movie How The Grinch Stole Christmas before our party.

Friday, December 13, the children may wear their pajamas to school and we will
 watch The Polar Express.  We will have a sweet treat to enjoy during the movie!

Our copier machines at school were not cooperating today so I didn't send home any reading homework or the Family Ties sheet for reading.  Hopefully these will both come home tomorrow!

Reading ~ Unit 2 Week 1     Story:  A Big Fish for Max   Genre:  Animal Fantasy

Amazing Words ~ chore, cooperation, commute, downtown, 
                household, rule, subway, display

Word Wall Words ~ catch, put, good, said, no, want

*A new spelling chart has been added to your child’s take home folder for Unit 2.
Vowel Sound in ball:  a, al            Consonant Digraphs sh, th

Spelling Words ~ fish, with, shop, ship, then, rush, trash, shut, shell, thin

Language ~ We will focus on Common Nouns {a word that names a person, place, animal, or thing}.  Common nouns start with a lowercase letter unless they are at the beginning of a sentence.  girl (person), classroom (place), dog (animal), and pencil (thing) are common nouns.  They are singular nouns that name one person, one place, one animal, and one thing.

Math ~ We will continue through Ch 6.  Please make sure you are reinforcing the lessons being taught in class using their practice workbook sent home at the beginning of the year.  Please refer to the math chart for the current lesson taught.  A review sheet will come home the night before the test. 

12/9 ~ Nancy’s Italian Ice $1.00
12/10 ~ Library lesson with Mrs. Morris
12/12 ~ Signed Papers
12/14 ~ Spirit Day at Tish’s Cupcakes
12/20 ~ Box Top Collecction
12/23 – 1/3 ~ Winter Break {NO SCHOOL}
1/6 ~ Children return to school
Please email me with any questions or concerns.  
Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sharing Soup in November!

It's December!!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break! It was so nice to have time to spend with family we don't get to see as often as we would like! However, I sure did miss my sweet little first grade friends!! We have a busy, busy month ahead! Full of fun and excitement!  Oh and how did you like that Iron Bowl?  ....WAR EAGLE!!!! {I just had to!}

December 2nd ~ 6th


**Field Trip money must be turned in Monday. Please make your check for $17 payable to Blount Elementary.

Friday, December 6th ~ Field Trip
We will leave Friday at 9:30 and return at 1:30. I will have a check out sheet with me if you would like to check your child out at the end of the field trip.

Friday, December 13th ~ The children will wear their PJ’s to school and we will watch the Polar Express. I will need a couple volunteers to send chocolate milk, cups, and cookies. If you can help please let me know. Thanks!

Thursday, December 19th- Christmas Party and Green Grinch Day ~ The children will wear green to school and we will watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas before our party. The party will begin at approximately 1:15
We have a lot going on in the next few weeks before Christmas. Please check your child’s take home folder EVERY night! What an exciting and fun time of the year!!

Reading- Unit 1 Review Week

We will review all of the vowels and sounds introduced in unit 1. You can reread the last 6 weeks of homework words and sentences for review.


No new Spelling words this week. 

Word Wall Words ~ No new words this week. Review all old words from the last 9 weeks.

Language ~ We will review nouns, verbs, adjectives, complete sentences, subjects and predicates of sentence, declarative sentences, interrogative sentences and  exclamatory sentences.

Math ~ Chapter 6 ~ We will begin Lesson 1 Monday. Don’t forget to use your homework book. We will not have a Math lesson Friday because of the field trip.