I cannot believe that this week will be the beginning of December! Look at these precious little Indians from room 123!
Are they not the cutest little Indians you have ever seen? I hope everyone had a wonderful time with family and friends during the Thanksgiving break. Your children are too precious and I am so very thankful for each and every one of them!
Now on to a new month! Take a look at what we will be learning this week!
This week our focus sound will be /r/ as in rabbit and /ea/ as in eagle. Our word wall words are: want, wants, eat, three, ran. Continue to listen to your child read and re-read their homework stories and library books, along with any other books that you have at home. I would like to see everyone taking a minimum of three AR tests a week. When reading AR books at home it is a good idea to read it to your child first, then go back and talk about the book. Look at the pictures and discuss different parts of the book, the setting, the problem in the story and how it was solved. Then let them read to you. Make sure they are using their finger and tracking the words as they read. Let me know if you have any concerns.
This week we will begin talking about question marks. In DOL we will continue to apply all the rules we have learned so far this year. Keep in mind that on Friday I choose one sentence from each day of the week and the children correct those sentences independently. It is a good idea to review the sentences your child brings home. Also, on the back of the DOL is their dictation. Ask your child to tell you the sounds and words and spell them correctly. Once again, let me know if you have any questions.
WOW! Some of the first graders in our class are doing an ah-mazing job passing their Math Facts In a Flash on the computer. These children are so smart!! Continue to practice those facts at home and please let me know if you are unable to use the REN Place at home to practice. It is a wonderful tool!!
While we will continue to work on our addition and subtraction facts we will begin Chapter 10 this week. Chapter 10 will teach us tens and ones place value and the “teen” numbers. This should come easy for the children since we do it each day in our Calendar Companion. Look for the review sheet to come home the night before our test.
TOMORROW if your child would like Nancy’s Italian Ice please send in $1.00. Please put ALL money in separate envelopes or baggies and label them! Thanks!!
Wednesday, November 30: Spirit Night at Nancy's Italian Ice
Thursday, December 1: book orders due
Wednesday, December 7: Spirit Night: Applebee's
Friday, December 9: First Grade wears pajamas to school to watch Polar Express
Tuesday, December 13: Spirit Night at Jason's Deli
Thursday, December 15: Christmas Party 1:30-2:15
Monday, December 19-Tuesday, January 3: Winter Holiday Break
Wednesday, January 4: Students return
We are having a little pencil problem in class. Everybody likes a good sharpened pencil! At the end of every day I sharpen pencils, etc. Well I have quickly become an expert on pencils! And pencil sharpeners, and erasers, etc. You get the picture! I don’t want to sound like a pencil snob, but if you are out and get a chance we would love a pack or two of these pencils…..
From my experience these are the best!! The lead doesn’t slide out after you sharpen them and they erase great!! I bought these at Target for $1.77. I am sure they have them other places also. For obvious reasons pencils are very important in first grade! Thanks so much!!
Have a wonderful week!