Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 26 - 30, 2009

I hope everyone is having a good week! I am sorry about my unexpected absence Monday. Mary Hunter was sick with a stomach bug, however she is on the road to recovery! Also, I wanted you to know I will not be at school on Friday. Rae Best, Jake's mom will be the substitute. She is great and has worked with the children before so I know they will have a super day!

We will have our Spelling test a DOL grade, and our Math test (Chapter 14) on Thursday. I hope you saw the list of spelling words for this week in your child's take home folder today. I will be sending this list home each Monday and we will usually have our Spelling Test on Friday, unless I tell you otherwise. Look for a review math sheet to come home for homework on Wednesday. The children have done really well on this chapter. Please continue to practice your math flashcards at home.

Also, tomorrow I am giving each child their new library card with their reading range for AR tests and books. I want the children to check out books that are only in their range. Some of the children have gotten into the habit of reading easy readers quickly and taking tests on them. I want them to check out books in their range so they will continue to increase their fluency, comprehension and vocabulary.

I have printed the STAR test reports and will send these home Wednesday. These are for your information and do not need to be signed and returned. If you have questions please feel free to ask.

We had a fabulous 100th day of school!! I am sure you can tell by the pictures!

As we are getting ready for February and Valentine's Day the children will be decorating bags for their cards. I would like for every child to have a white gift bag with the handle, these fit their cards better and hold up well. They sell these at the Dollar Tree in the gift wrap section, 2 bags for $1.00. It is best to buy them early because as we get closer to February they are harder to find. If a few parents would like to pick up 2 or 3 of the bags that would be a great help! I would like to try and have all the bags by next Wednesday, February 4th.

Dads ~ Mark your calendars! Donuts for Dads will be next Thursday and Friday, February 5th and 6th. Hope to see you there!

The secret to happiness is not in doing whatever you like......but in liking whatever you do!

I'm so blessed that I LOVE what I do. Have a great week!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 19-23

Brrr! I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend and stayed nice and cozy. We have a lot going on this short week!
~ I hope to see all our moms on Thursday or Friday for Muffins for Moms. This is always a fun time for everyone, please walk down to the classroom before you leave so I can get a sweet picture of you and your child.

~ Signed papers will go home Thursday. I must say I am so proud of the children, second semester in First Grade gets a little harder as we prepare to go to second grade. The children are really doing well, I am so proud of all their efforts and want to thank you for all of your support and encouragement from home!

~ Last week the children took the STAR test which helps determine what level reading books they get from the library. I will make everyone new library cards this weekend so your child's reading level may change. I will also send a parent letter to you explaining the test and your child's results.

~ Friday we will celebrate the 100th Day of School!! Can you believe we have been in school 100 days? We will be doing several 100 day stations in our classroom as well as making a "100 Day Hash" mix to eat. Yummy! Thank you to those of you who sent in items for our mix. I didn't need everyone to send in something, so if you didn't get a note don't worry, I'll ask those friends next.

~ Book Orders are due this Friday, you may order online or by sending in a check payable to Scholastic. The username is awright and the password is books. There is a link to Scholastic on the right, under Classroom Connections.

Reading - We will focus on the L sound this week. Also be sure that you are practicing reading our word wall words that are located in your child's take home folder. If your child has Read Well passages in their take home folder PLEASE be sure you are listening to him read these EVERY night. These should be read with ease and fluenty. If you need additional passages or have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Math - We are still on Chapter 14 and will test mid week next week. Look for a review sheet to come home on Tuesday or Wednesday. Please continue to practice your addition flash cards. I can't stress this enough. Second grade expects these facts to be memorized....no finger counting.

Language - We will continue to review Rules 1-16 of our Grammar Rules. I will not introduce a new grammar rule this week.

Have a great week and stay warm!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January Fun

Sunday, January 11, 2009

January 12-16, 2009

It was nice getting back to school and in a routine. I loved the excitement of the children, seeing their friends again and sharing stories of their Christmas holiday.We had many friends come back with a few less teeth, I guess the tooth fairy must have been pretty busy this holiday season! However, it didn't take long to settle back into our routine.

Your child brought home their first spelling test attached with a note explaining how first grade spelling test will be. We have been practicing this routine since the very beginning of the year and now we are taking it a spelling grade.
Morning work is now on regular notebook paper-the class is doing a great job adjusting to the smaller lines. The format is a little different but we are covering the skills just the same.

And the big one, Conduct! I'm assuming that the note was pretty clear as to how the second semester system works. It also serves as a good transition to signing the "Conduct Log" in second grade. If you have any questions about the second semester conduct system, please don't hesitate to contact me! I will be glad to clarify for you.

One routine we didn't get back to was going to the library :(.
Mrs. Willingham had system wide training on a new computer program for book check out. Then she had to activate it in our library and train Mrs. Mahoney. It took longer than she anticipated. Then the library was used for picture day Thursday. All of this to say that the library wasn't open for check out the entire week. The children did the best they could with books from home and books from our class library. I didn't even bother printing an AR report since the library was closed. HOPEFULLY, we be able to go next week!!!! The children sure are ready to get new books.

The focus sound for next week will be /-y/ at the end as in fly and sky. We will incorporate stories that teach a lesson such as, Chicken Little, Henny Penny, and The Little Red Hen, during the next two weeks.

Remember you will find the Grammar Rules in your child's take home folder. I will introduce Rule 16 on Monday

Continue chapter 13-strategies for adding and adding three numbers. We are working on memorizing the 4's addition facts. I'll send home the chapter review one day next week for chapter 13 math test.


One day this - week-STAR TESTING
January 13th - PTA meeting
January 15th - Report cards
January 19th - Holiday MLK Birthday
January 21st - 100th day of school
January 22nd and 23rd - Muffins for Moms

This week I'll send home Scholastic Book order forms. Remember, you can place your order online and pay with a credit card. I have provided a link to Scholastic on this blog.

Look for the latest DIBELS report and hopefully the STAR test results Thursday with report cards. Sign and return the DIBELS report and one copy of the report card-keep the other. The STAR test is part of the AR program-it will give your child their reading range which will help them to check out books at their level of reading. I'll make a new library card for them to use when going to the library.

Thanks to all who sent in new supplies.

Have a great week and contact me with any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Wright

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and you are enjoying 2009!

I can't believe that we are beginning our second semester! We have much more to learn before May. I'm ready to get started. Right now I can think of a few new changes beginning when we return. The first is a new classroom management system. I'll have a detailed letter for you explaining this new system. This new system is using tickets and will help prepare the children for second grade. The second new thing is a spelling grade. I have detailed information to give you explaining this procedure also. Look for those the first week back. One last thing is that children will begin doing our DOL differently, look for the new DOL to come home on Tuesday.

In reading we will begin the new semester with the sound for short e, /e/ as in Ed and egg. We will continue to practice our Grammar Rules that have been introduced this far.

We will begin Chapter 13 in Math. Not having my teacher's edition with me, I'm not sure what it will cover. I'll let you know when I get back to the classroom. We will also begin, not immediately, time math drills on addition facts. So brush up on those addition facts using flashcards. This website,
will let you create a math facts worksheet that your child could practice at home.

Hopefully the library will be on a more regular schedule now that the holiday rush is over. It has been really hard for children to get to the library to check out new books. We need to really get back on that once we return to school. I haven't sent home a report due the the amount of times the library had been closed. I'll have a new one ready to go home next Monday.

January 5th Teacher Work Day
January 6th Students return to school
January 8th Class (group) pictures and Signed papers
January 13th PTA meeting
January 15th Report cards
January 19th Holiday MLK Birthday
January 22nd and 23rd Muffins for Moms

Let's start the new year off with fresh supplies. Please send in the following for your child:
box of 24 crayons
package of sharpened pencils to put in community pencil can
box of Crayola markers
4 glue sticks

Possibly a new notebook for their take home folder. Some of the children's were looking pretty bad. Just slip out their cover page and put it in the new one if you choose to buy a new one.

I'm looking forward to getting back to school and into a routine, my family and I just work better when we're on a schedule. I'm sure the children will be glad to get back to see their friends. I am looking forward to seeing all of them and hearing about their Christmas adventures!

Enjoy the last few days and I'll see you Tuesday.